Bad Mom.

This morning, Isaac and I decided to take a trip to Target to get some baby food and baby toothpaste. Isaac started out riding in the kids seat, all strapped in for safety. However, he has figured out how to squirm his way around backwards while still strapped in, so I decided to put him in the big part of the cart. I loaded up with baby food and made my way to the baby toiletries aisle.

Here’s where it goes bad…

As I perused for various baby toothpastes, Isaac in a split second hurled himself overboard from the cart, landing on his head. I scooped him up, abandoned the cart, ran outside and called Derek. Derek called the doctor’s office, who gave us the same things to watch for as when he traveled down the stairs at a high rate of speed.

We checked his eyes and they seemed fine.
He didn’t act lethargic. Just sleepy because he was way overdue for a nap.
There was no bleeding.
He didn’t throw up.

I feel like the worst mom in the universe. I don’t know how he got over the side. My best guess is that he managed to squeeze his toe into the side of the cart and get a good boost to get him started. Anyhow, that’s my day so far. Good times.

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