so. the room that is currently the quilt room has seen many iterations. it started as a disgusting, carpeted, animal pee stained dining room, when we bought the house. we tore out the carpet, put in some cheap flooring and painted a chalkboard wall and made it into the homeschool room. then, anna wanted her […]
the home skillet
life changes….
obviously. i am way behind in my blogging. like way way way. if you know us in real life, or follow me on instagram, you’ll likely know that this is because we recently had quite a life transition. (which doesn’t excuse how far i was already behind when said transition took place, other than the […]
updating the kids bathroom.
we bought this house ten years ago. and it was previously owned by a couple a wee bit older than us. and there was a lot of very 1990’s-ish wallpaper. we immediately de-wallpapered the kitchen and painted it royal blue (and you see it in approximately 78% of my photos). we meant to get to […]
Yard Progress Update
The grass is growing in the front/side yard and our it is beginning to look 1000% better. (that is a very accurate measurement). The back is a little behind, but even the hope of scattered hay looks better than the overgrown garden. 🙂
While Anna and Isaac and I lounged in the yard, Derek rented a skid steer (I think that’s what it’s called) and did this:
the pink room.
derek was off for the last week, so we took the opportunity to paint the baby’s room (formerly known as my office). despite an original reluctance to have any pink be a part of this girl’s life, i opted for a very dark, almost red shade of pink. isaac thinks that “the baby is going […]
the deck… better camera.
derek finished up the deck this weekend. here are some shots of the finished product. well, almost finished. we need to put in some more handrails that meet code…
The deck.
Having world wide web problems with my computer, so here are some pics of the completed deck from my phone.Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
the garden of 2009
on thursday, lorena and i (and two boys) went to the farmer’s market to pick up plants for this year’s garden. on saturday, in the upper 80 degree heat, i slaved away to get them all into the ground.we have 10 roma tomato plants, 4 cherry tomatoes, 6 beefsteak (i think) tomatoes, 4 bell peppers, […]