during their stay in winston-salem, jenn and brandy came over several nights, and we participated in all manner of crafting, a favorite activity of the jackson and lidbom girls. more than once, we busted out the paints and glitter and stickers to make cool boxes and treasure chests and other random wooden things procured from […]
christmassy. twenty twenty three.
we waited until christmas eve to do gingerbread houses in 2023. not sure why. i assume time just got away from me. but it made for a lovely christmas eve activity. messy. sugary. but lovely. i premade the houses with graham crackers, added a sugar cone tree, bought a million decor items, and we got […]
september twenty twenty one.
september was a really hard month. we had a close friend who lost their son to suicide. it is the single worst thing i have ever watched someone have to go through. it has cast a sadness over everything. before all of this, anna and i had ourselves a perfect saturday. first, we hit up […]
march miscellany. 2021 edition.
In like a lion, out like a lamb. Or at least that’s the saying in Western New York. Pertaining to the weather. Well, it works here for me too. I started out March in a really bad place about teaching. And then, I quit. I gave my notice on March 3rd, spent the next two […]
cinco de mayo, in the time of coronavirus.
during our time roaming around the southwest in the camper, we developed quite an affinity for mexican culture. so, this year, we decided to really do it up, quarantine style, for cinco de mayo. fun fact, annas due date was may 5th, but she was late. ho hum. originally, i had just planned to do […]
coronavirus sewing.
i have had a complete lack of sewing motivation during the lockdown. which works out, because i also find myself with very little time to sew. even though our lives didn’t change THAT much, i am missing a weekly day with the kids in co-op so i can run errands. and an evening with anna […]
the making of things in october and november.
in the interest of catching this blog up, i’m lumping together all of my sewing and quilting exploits from october and november (and december if i’m being honest because there was literally NONE in that month). firstly, my pal heather’s birthday is at the end of october and she’s an avid reader. i shrunk down […]
october, other.
a lot of october 2019 was spent in acadia and shenendoah national parks. but here’s what we were doing when we weren’t out in the wilderness. well, firstly, i spent a lot of time meal prepping and cleaning for the acadia trip. the rv was pretty gross after a long time of being unoccupied, so […]
making things. september edition.
thanks to a recently instituted policy of an afternoon quiet time for the lidkids, i had a pretty successful month of sewing in september. i mean. check out this action shot of the quilt room… the biggest thing i was working on was a freewheeling single girl quilt. i joined a sew along on instagram, […]
rainbow alternate ending quilt.(ie: new favorite quilt).
so. one other benefit of stationary living is that i have a permanent quilting space. i was able to quilt more than i thought on the road, but it was a bit of work to set up and break down all the time. and, there was no room for fabric storage, so i always bought […]