just got back from spending a week in banner elk, nc. it was lazy. and restful. and fun. here are the pics on picasa. click on any of them to go see all 89 pictures. blue ridge village
patterson farms, volume 3.
on saturday, we made our annual(ish) trek to patterson farms for some fun pumpkin-y, autumn-y, outdoors-y activities. i posted about 100 picture in picasa. here’s five. click on any to be taken away to my picasa site… patterson farms and if you’re interested, last year’s pics are here. and our first trip is here.
the ring bearer
isaac was a ring bearer last night in the wedding of my friends and fellow youth group leaders, adam and leah. leah also did a bit of babysitting for isaac in my tutoring days, so she’s one of his favorite people on the planet. anyhow, i captured approximately one good shot of the cute boy […]
happy birthday annababy!!

today is anna’s first birthday. in fact, one year ago RIGHT NOW, i had a one hour and seven minute old baby. i didn’t know yet if she was going to be another isaacbaby (the kind of baby that makes you strongly consider stopping making babies). or if she was going to be a sweet […]
new yorkers come to town.
the first shift of my family (mom, sister, niece) arrived last wednesday morning. then, on friday, we took a RIDICULOUSLY long trip to the airport to pick up my stepdad and brother, who had been delayed, bumped, rerouted and needed three flights over the course of 9 hours to get here. (ps. it takes about […]
di$ney world!!
it goes like this… isaac has never had a big cool birthday party. but, this year, having had to share his life with a baby sister, we thought maybe we’d spring for a bit bigger of a bash and have some friends. maybe at the bouncing place. it was going to be a lot of […]
the schiavones…
as previously mentioned, we went to florida last week, to spend a bit of time with my dad’s side of the family. the schiavones… a couple of months ago, my gramps passed away. the family wanted to wait until everyone could be there to have his service, so it was put off until after the […]
pumpkins, cows, and nerds.
well, halloween was yesterday. here’s how that went down… first we painted and carved some pumpkins. i had not meant to put this off until the last minute. i bought paint last week with every intention of painting with the boy during one of anna’s 30 minute naps. ambitious, i know. well, that never happened […]
patterson farms…
last weekend, we loaded up the lid kids and headed down to the mooresville/statesville area of north carolina to patterson farms for some pumpkin patchy fun. we went two years ago, with a wee little isaac toddler, and it was a lot of fun, so we were excited to head back with both kids in […]
strong museum pics
as promised, here is the link to the picasa album with all the pics from the strong museum of play that we visited whilst in western new york… strong museum pics