my spring break at forsyth tech was a measly four days long and also did not coincide with the girls spring break from public school, so it seemed like another good time to make a dash into the wilderness, for a little solo, camping, hiking, rest, and recharge trip. since it was the first week […]
febz blog. in a timely fashion.

whereas january felt like it was seven months long, i blinked and february was gone. our february this year was pretty darn uneventful. outside of my stone mountain hike, all of the happenings of february qualify for this “monthly recap post” if that tells you anything about the excitement level over here. still mostly rolling […]
a very cold and snowy january.

since we have been back living in winston-salem, we have had really mild winters, and haven’t had any snowy weather to speak of. well, this year, at the very end of christmas break, right when i really would have preferred everyone go back to school, the snow finally came. several times even. it was sort […]
november is my fave.

it might be because it’s my birthday month. or because of the fall vibes. cool nights. or because of thanksgiving and delicious foods and christmas around the corner. but i think we can all say that november is a good month. anyways. we kicked off our november this year with our annual bonfire and chili […]
happy birthday to me. camping/hiking edition.

my little rest and relax trip to virginia over fall break reminded me how much i need some camping/hiking/outdoor/alone time built into my schedule. so, for my birthday weekend, i snagged a campsite at hanging rock, then proceeded to get way ahead on my school work so i could properly enjoy the downtime, and then […]
v. uneventful august.

if it seemed like the summer was whirlwind, stuffed full of vacations and adventures, you’re not mistaken. it was made even more hectic, because the school calendar was moved forward by about two weeks this year, so the kiddos were back at it in early august. not crazy about it, but come next may, we […]
summer beach trip. last days.

alrighty. time to wrap this thing up. when anna and derek returned from their fishing trip, we still had a whole afternoon to kill. as you may have heard, two thirds of the kids were very much over the beach. we decided it would be a good time to do some shopping and sight seeing. […]
down the final stretch…

after madison, we really had nothing to do but make our way across the country to home. of course, we found a few little stops along the way, but it was mostly a ton of driving. by derek. our route took us to an old familiar city that i really had never expected to see […]
less exciting random U.P. adventures…

this is the post where i group together some of the less epic things we did while at the keweenaw peninsula. and our travel day. we were trying hard to fill the days but also not make everyone crazy. its a delicate balance for sure. on our second day in the area, i was able […]
up to the u.p.

for those unfamiliar with the geography of michigan, most of it is the big mitten shaped bit, north of indiana, tucked between three great lakes. that’s where all of our first few michigan excursions took place. but. the main destination of our trip was the upper peninsula, commonly known as the U.P., and that is […]