lets see here. apparently kicked off 2024 with a photoshoot with the christmas tree at derek’s parents house. i do not recall this happening, but the pics don’t lie. we took the kids to a carolina thunderbirds hockey game. it was fun. cold. but fun. the score was like 15-4 or some nonsense. we spent […]
new gramma
2023 summer road trip. week one. batavia.

summer in north carolina is super dumb. hot. humid. and dumb. this year, we escaped much of said dumbness by heading north for most of july. our first stop on the road trip took us to my homeland of batavia, new york. we piled into the subaru, which feels smaller and smaller each summer, but […]
august in western new york.

usually, we head up to western new york for our annual summer pilgrimage in june or maybe early july. but this year, my baby brother’s wedding was set to take place in august, so we planned our excursion around the wedding date. we arrived the weekend before the wedding, so we could get in some […]
marchy march. 2022.

time for a recap of march happenings in lidbomland. we kicked off the month with a semi-spontaneous visit from my mom, aka new gramma. the kids had a long weekend, but since it was exceptionally nice the day before the long weekend, it was determined that anna would play hooky and have an extra long […]
quarantine in batavia.(quarantine with holden)

after my time in covid jail, we had the girls tested twice, four days apart. and even though both times were negative and we hadn’t had anyone show covid symptoms, anna was still required by her school to quarantine for another full week. we decided the best course of action was to take a spontaneous […]
first stop. batavia, new york.

well. here i go. attempting to catch up on the backlog of some fifty or so blog posts, dating back to the end of may. i had high hopes of keeping up with it while we went on our epic summer road trip, but that turned out to be sort of laughable due to the […]
febz 2021.

Other than a visit from my mom at the end of the month, February was rather uneventful around the parts. Teaching was slowly murdering me. It was cold and blah. We were still all living under quarantine. Good times, really. Let’s see. There was a Buffalo Bills-less Super Bowl. We watched. Ate wings. Ho hum. […]
pilot mountain with new gramz.mental health day #3 (fail).

In late February, my mom came down to visit. It worked out nicely, because I had a faux-long weekend from teaching. For some reason, there were two “remote” days built into the calendar on Friday and Monday, which technically meant that the kids who were doing in-person school would be remote that day, but because […]
november 2020. another pandemic month in the books.

after our big travel month of october, november was pretty chill. we are still in a pandemic and all, so there was a lot of home life during this month. sigh. my parents arrived just before halloween, so the first few days in november will filled with family fun. guitar hero, the simpsons, our second […]
october 2020 happenings around home.

initially, our travel plans for october took up the entire month, so we weren’t planning on much halloween decorating. but we came home a week early, so the obvious choice was to go all out decorating for halloween and/or fall. the girls and i went to a little farm stand in lewisville (rogers nursery) where […]