well. it’s been over a year since my last blog post. we are still here and alive. i just sort of fell behind and the longer it went, the harder it felt to pick back up and catch up and keep going. but, with a little over a week left on christmas break, i’m hoping […]
randomness and miscellany
Not magical
I had never really given it much thought, but I guess I had hoped that the putting up of Christmas decor was more christmassy than this. 🙁 Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
I feel safe.
The crazy guy in our neighborhood apparently wasn't satisfied with just sitting at the end of his driveway watching all the cars go by and taking down the names of speeders. We're now under the watchful eye of his security system. And we are all safer because of it. Needless to say, I'll be entering […]
in a comment (instead of his OWN blog), frankie left this sweet link:youngme/nowme. it’s pretty sweet, and after checking out the entire site, i feel i can endorse all of it’s awesome activities.
Cool Paper Art
I’ve seen this before, but I came across it again and it is very cool.Check it out.(There’s a lot more).
charlie bit me
thanks to ashley and carlye for telling me about this video, which i submit to you as the best video ever. and thanks to youtube for directing me to this next video which is also quite fantastic. what did i do before the internet??
logo game
a few years back, i was addicted to these types of games. there’s plenty of them out there. if you want to find more, just search for “logo game”. here’s a link to a pretty decent one.