as it turns out. may was pretty busy with things that deserved their very own blog posts. so this one will be short and sweet. to kick things off, anna and i did a bit of strawberry picking. we lovelovelove local nc strawberries. i ate healthy. walked and lifted. 🙂 ok. so this part is […]
adventure by day. crafts by night.
during their stay in winston-salem, jenn and brandy came over several nights, and we participated in all manner of crafting, a favorite activity of the jackson and lidbom girls. more than once, we busted out the paints and glitter and stickers to make cool boxes and treasure chests and other random wooden things procured from […]
january of 2024
lets see here. apparently kicked off 2024 with a photoshoot with the christmas tree at derek’s parents house. i do not recall this happening, but the pics don’t lie. we took the kids to a carolina thunderbirds hockey game. it was fun. cold. but fun. the score was like 15-4 or some nonsense. we spent […]
a whole lot of november things.
in order to keep this post manageable, i had to write a lot of separate smaller posts about november happenings, but it’s still a big one. and even though as i write it, it’s only 12 days into december, all of these memories feel like they were months and months ago. so much stuff crammed […]
things that took place in october.
it’s fall! the favorite season around these parts. we are all settled into the routine of school. football season is in full swing. it’s cooling off (but it’s still north carolina, so sort of stupidly warm). and we are ready for the gauntlet of holidays. so, here’s how we spent our october…. first things first. […]
the remainder of july
before i begin this post, can we just take a minute to acknowledge that i am about to complete that task of getting this blog entirely caught up, 20 posts covering the past two months, just in time for derek and i to depart for an epic adventure (which will necessitate a plethora of new […]
a ridiculously long post about april ’23.
well. you would think a post about april would be super short, considering we spent the first week on spring break, and all of that was detailed in previous posts. but, alas, sometimes when there’s not much excitement going on, these miscellaneous monthly posts get a lot more attention. or so it is in this […]
march mayhem (madness was taken).
turns out. march was busy. or at least that’s what my photographic evidence of march is telling me. aside from the items i will detail in this post, there was a cake, a big school project, a home improvement project, and a weekend bucket list getaway. now here’s the other stuff that happened. (this is […]
hazel’s epic frida kahlo project.
the crazelnut’s third grade class is assigned a book report and project every quarter. for the third quarter, the kiddos had to pick a biography and make a creative timeline display and give an oral presentation “in character” as the subject of the biography. dressing up and props were optional. hazel chose frida kahlo and […]
february and all of it’s non essential happenings.
february came and went without too much fanfare requiring a separate post. i had a cake that almost ended me. and an epic hike with a good girl. and i made a teddy bear. and, as you’ll see in this post, there really wasn’t much else going on in february at all. anna hasn’t really […]