after several months of selling decorated cookies cakes under the annababy cookie cakes name, anna decided to rebrand. her new business name is the cookie coop, and she sells cookies by the dozen. every week, she announces two to three cookies of the week, people place their orders, and she spends the better part of […]
febroorary. 2o24.

i literally can barely remember the happenings of last february. some of these pictures aren’t even really jogging my memory. but, i’ll muddle through, in the name of family memory keeping. here we go. ruby’s birthday is february 3rd. or so we are told. anna made her some pupcakes to celebrate her fifth birhday. she […]
december hap-hap-happenings.

now here is the part where i try to remember all the little moments from last december. the day to day stuff. when it wasn’t actual christmas or hazel’s birthday or cookie baking mayhem. let’s seeeeee. i always love the first few mornings after the tree is up and i have my coffee in the […]
christmassy. twenty twenty three.

we waited until christmas eve to do gingerbread houses in 2023. not sure why. i assume time just got away from me. but it made for a lovely christmas eve activity. messy. sugary. but lovely. i premade the houses with graham crackers, added a sugar cone tree, bought a million decor items, and we got […]
christmas cookie extravaganza of 2023

once again, i/we WAAAY overdid it with baking for christmas. i say it every year, but NEXT year, i will tone it down a bit. (and i can confirm that last years declaration went unheeded and i went off the rails again this year. but NEXT YEAR….) last year though. 2023. i had helpers. eager […]
fall florals cake, part three.

about a year ago, my work pal, cynthia, asked if i would make an autumn themed floral cake for her friend’s birthday. i did. and you can see that one here. then, a couple months ago, i made a similar cake for my pal jen’s fortieth birthday. that one is here. well. cynthia asked me […]
things that took place in october.

it’s fall! the favorite season around these parts. we are all settled into the routine of school. football season is in full swing. it’s cooling off (but it’s still north carolina, so sort of stupidly warm). and we are ready for the gauntlet of holidays. so, here’s how we spent our october…. first things first. […]
halloween cookie bake off.

it is becoming a bit of a halloween tradition to make a batch of halloween themed sugar cookies. we almost didn’t get to it this year, but thanks to a four day school break before halloween, we managed to eek out this last little bit of holiday spirit. i made the dough while the kids […]
september stuff. 2023.

oh, september. fall is just around the corner. school is new and exciting. football season is finally here. it’s really an underrated month if you ask me. and then there’s labor day weekend. i mean. a holiday to celebrate, well, days off. and this labor day weekend, my work pal cynthia invited me and my […]
iceland. day five.vik, black sand beach, lava show

on day five in iceland, we awakened (once again) to gloomy, drizzly skies in the southern port town of vik. this is pretty common in vik though, as it sits just south of a massive glacier and something about the wind and science and meteorology and blah blah. anyways, we bundled up, and made our […]