during their stay in winston-salem, jenn and brandy came over several nights, and we participated in all manner of crafting, a favorite activity of the jackson and lidbom girls. more than once, we busted out the paints and glitter and stickers to make cool boxes and treasure chests and other random wooden things procured from […]
when people visit us
hanging rock with jenn and brandy.
really the only thing left on the “cool things to do in winston-salem” checklist when brandy had a day off was hanging rock state park. so. that’s what we did.we decided on the namesake hanging rock trail, which had changed routes since our last visit, adding about a mile round trip. the day was 100% […]
winston salem tour guide.
while brandy toiled away, earning a living to provide for her wife and the glamorous road life, i showed jenn around town. we pretty much knocked out all of the cool winston salem things in two days. first up, obviously, was old salem. except it was a monday, so most things were closed. but we […]
camping with the old step-aunt (and friends).
a few weeks ago, my step dad’s sister, karyn, rolled into town for a visit. she was on a two week rv trip with her youngest daughter, her friend, and her friend’s daughter. karyn is quite a bit younger than my step dad, closer to my age, so it’s always fun to refer to her […]
spring break with holden (and fam).
if you don’t already know, thanks to previous posts (zoo, cookies, tulips), my baby brother’s family came down to spend spring break with us this year. my girls were so very excited to have an entire week of holden time, and holden was pretty excited about an entire week of being doted on by two […]
easter cookie mania.
spring break this year happened to be the week before easter, which meant that holden and fam were able to join us in some of our easter traditions and activities. one such tradition in this house involves an overkill of spring themed sprinkles and the decorating of easter cookies. with hazel down for the count, […]
NC zoo with NY cousin (and fam).
for our second fun spring break north carolina activity with holden, we piled into jakes car and drove down to asheboro to visit the nc zoo. unfortunately, hazel was sick and couldn’t make it, and isaac is a teenager and couldn’t make it, and derek lidbom is our primary breadwinner and had to work. but, […]
tulip picking with a tiny cousin.
for spring break this year, my brother and his little family ventured down from western new york for a week of north carolina adventures. our first order of business was to head over to robertson family farms for some tulip picking. it was close to the end of the season, but there were still plenty […]
pilot mountain with new gramz.mental health day #3 (fail).
In late February, my mom came down to visit. It worked out nicely, because I had a faux-long weekend from teaching. For some reason, there were two “remote” days built into the calendar on Friday and Monday, which technically meant that the kids who were doing in-person school would be remote that day, but because […]
lake tahoe with the grandlidboms.
it has been a LONG time since our last visit from the grandlidboms. we spent christmas in san diego with them, so it had been over six months by the time our lake tahoe visit rolled around, and the kids could barely contain themselves. we arrived and set up a little before they were able […]