things the boy says…

isaac has been saying some pretty good stuff lately…

while watching the macy’s thanksgiving day parade, he saw the spiderman float and ran to get grampa terry, and said, “grampa turdy, you are not going to believe this. it is amazing. hold on… i just have to fast-backwards to it.”

mom v. sarah:
lately, he’s been occasionally calling derek and me by our names. we have convinced him that mom and dad is the way to go. a couple of days ago, we went to derek’s mom’s house. she greeted us when we walked in: “it’s isaac!… and anna!… and sarah…!”. he turned around and quickly reprimanded her. “um, gramma. mama doesn’t like to be called sarah”. 🙂

sweetest boy:
most nights, isaac and anna take a bath together. last night, anna was melting down and was completely ready for bed. isaac was still eating some late dinner and watching veggie tales, so i just took anna up for her bath. a couple minutes later, he appeared in the door and started to strip. he said that he “didn’t want to miss out on this time with anna.”

and of course, i’m drawing a blank on the other things… they’ll come to me. and i’ll just post again. 🙂

*** oooh… i thought of one more ***

yesterday morning (so the morning of this original blog), isaac and anna were playing on the floor and i was distracted by something (probably angry birds). isaac said, “mom, look what i did to anna!”… which usually is not a good thing to hear. but, i looked over, and anna was standing up, in the middle of the room, as proud as could be.
i guess that’s not so much a thing the boy says, but a thing he did. whatever.

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