Day 2 – Tweetsie…

Yesterday, we began calling around a bit, to find out hours, prices, etcetera, for some of our potential stops. Upon calling tweetsie, we learned that they were now only open on the weekend (since school starts tuesday – makes sense). Anyhow, thankful that we called, we loaded up our little train junkie and headed out. Isaac rode all of the kiddie rides and fed some dirty animals. He was very well behaved on the chair lift, much unlike last summer’s death defying (squirmy) trip up the mountain. Anyhow… for some reason, we don’t have many pictures of the actual ride on Tweetsie, probably because we were busy shifting Isaac and the camera back and forth between us. So, sorry. These other pics will have to do….





It started to rain around one, so we left the park to eat at Pssghetti’s… We’ve always wanted to try it because of the name, but never have. It was very good. Priced for unsuspecting tourists. And now we can check it off of our list. We hit the toy store to pick up a much needed addition to Isaac’s Thomas the Train collection: Harold the Helicoptor (“Heeewode deh Heltocter”). Then, we lounged around our place for the rest of the day, due to the endless rain drops falling from the sky.

And now, Isaac has just awakened and strolled downstairs. His first words were, “mom, where’s my trains?”…

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