after two legs of the trip, we found ourselves just outside easton, pennsylvania, home of the crayola museum. this is another spot that we visited when we were very first on the road, and we were pretty excited to go back again. i took the kids, which gave derek some time to do his actual job for a bit, before getting on the road.
the main entrance is scattered with ginormous replicas of various crayola art supplies. the kids thought this was pretty cool. but personally, i think the back entrance is pretty rad. what do you think?
heaviest orange marker. art supply courtyard. the back entrance. way cooler, right?
the first activity. making your own crayon. there are different stations to choose a color. and then you can make a custom wrapper. see if you can tell which one belongs to each crayola museum patron.
crayon creator. our haul.
a lot of the museum is interactive type tech stuff. there was a fashion show thing. and then this rainbow rain area. it was alright. nothing amazing.

obviously, we had to watch the demonstration on how crayons are made. it’s pretty cool. but i already knew it all from mr. rogers.

we spent a good amount of time carefully coloring some monsters and then having them come to virtual life on some computers. the kids thought this was pretty cool. we sent them to our emails but i really dont’ know what became of that.
ike. anna. crazelnut. bringing to life.
we stocked up on crayola tokens, because this was the room everyone remembered. there’s a vending machine stocked with crayola model magic modeling clay. we bought some of each color, and duplicates of some that certain lidkids didn’t want to share. and then we played with model magic for like an hour. or so it seemed.
for some reason there’s a whole room devoted to a canal/lock type exhibit, so we tested that out. then made some shark shaped crayons, made some art with various forms of melted crayons, stopped for a photoshoot with this rainbow wall, which happens to be in my blog header from our last trip at the time of this blog post.
locks. crayon shark making. favorite color selections.
before we left, we were sure to hit some photo booths and get a parting shot with the world’s largest crayon.
and our visit wasn’t over until we spent all the dollars in the gift shop. i mean. how could we resist. the girls selected a bunch of paints. and we picked up some postcards. and drawing chalk (which was way cheaper than amazon and wasn’t in broken crumbles).

i had actually planned a possible second stop at an amish village to kill some more time, but the kids stayed occupied for surprisingly longer than i expected, so after a late lunch/early dinner stop, we were able to get on the road for the next stretch…