we capped off our first week’s stay in the upper peninsula with a day in the college town of marquette. technically, we had already been there, thanks to a rainy first day in town that saw us hit up the movies and do a little shopping. but, on this day, we had a few outdoor activities planned, and then, well, more shopping/eating.
the first stop of the day was sugarloaf mountain. it was a pretty short hike up to some overlook spots, where we could see into marquette and out into lake superior.

when that little trip was completed, we found some local baked goods, both gluten filled and gluten free, and made our way to presque isle park. it was a little chilly and slightly drizzly, so we found a shelter for a quick lunch picnic, followed up by aforementioned baked treats.

we drove the loop around presque isle, taking in some views, stopping at any cool spots to walk around, skip rocks, fully experience the scenery, etc.

we shopped a bit in the cute little college downtown. bookstores. toystores. gaming stores. gift shops. all the good stuff. i have no pics. but i definitely bought some books. we also found another quilt shop for me and made sure to hit up a walmart while we had the chance. and on the ride back to the cabin, i even finished up a hand sewn block for my will-it-ever-be-completed cherish quilt.

on our way home, we finally stopped to check out a weird road side attraction we had our eye on for much of our stay. it’s called lakenenland and it’s basically some dude’s property and he has created a drive through art exhibit. it appears there’s been some controversy surrounding this use of his own property, indicated in the signage and some of the art installations. a lot lot lot of political messages. it was interesting anyways. here’s a few pics we took for your perusal…

and this concludes our time in au train. in the morning, we would pack up and head to an airbnb for another week of exploring more of michigan’s upper peninsula.