our last notable excursion whilst on the keweenaw peninsula was a visit to the AE seaman mineral museum. we had read good things about it, but we hesitant to drag the kids to a rock museum. but, since the weather was pretty blah, it seemed like the perfect activity. it was a great opportunity to showcase my tiny hands, purchased at kc bonkers a few days earlier.

we had super low expectations. so, naturally, this place was pretty amazing. and the kids had a fantastic time. there were so many rocks and gems (not technical terminology). so colorful. so spiky. so blobby. so big. we loved it. hazel was pretty pleased with her knowledge of the rock cycle, obtained during her fourth grade tenure with mrs. gaillard, whose class t-shirt she happened to be wearing.

we were mesmerized by the rocks. here are some favorites.

the glow in the dark ones were particularly favorited.

while the kids spent a lot of time and a lot of money in the gift shop (which actually had very reasonable prices, we just bought a lot), i went outside and checked out the flowers. also very pretty.

in conclusion. the things i think the kids will hate, they love. the things i think they’ll love are iffy. this museum turned out to be one of the highlights. weird.