with everyone well rested, and the weather fully cooperating, it was a good day to take a drive along the coast of the copper peninsula, stopping for any and all landmarks, epic views, and cool or weird (or both) spots.
first up. a roadside waterfall.

then. the jam lady. this is filed under cool and weird. mostly weird. it was an honor system jam shop, in the mud room type area of a random house. with lots of eccentric oddities. we scored some thimbleberry jam. expensive thimbleberry jam.

then, in keeping with the theme, we stopped at the jampot, which is actually a bakery but i think there was jam too? anyways. there was quite a line for this spot and we had to make a lot of fast decisions when it was our turn. many baked goods were procured.

back to the view and outdoor amenities. lake superior was looking lovely on this day.

sometimes the coast was sandy and beachy. other times rocky and rugged.

we drove all the way out to copper harbor, where we did some shopping at some very interesting shops. the girls and i picked up a few more books at a quaint little book store. we visited a gem and rock shop that also had some swedish trinkets. all of the places were such a weird mix of all the things. i have no photo proof of this.
before embarking on the trip home, we took a scenic drive that took us up to an overlook where we had a 360 degree view of the surrounding landscape. a windy view at that.

also on the trip home, we stopped to take a tour of the eagle harbor lighthouse. the lighthouse itself was lovely enough, but the museum was pretty cool too.

i never hate looking at old quilts.

as we cruised through the little town of houghton on our way to the airbnb, we noticed there was a farmers market on the boardwalk along the river. so. we had to stop. clearly.
unfortunately, there wasn’t much left at this point. some kombucha for me. face painting for the girls.

it was a pretty long day. but we packed a lot in.