note: grampa turdy = grampa terry.
eliot’s baby gift christmas present
so, when i found out that lesolie (sister) was going to have a brand new baby girl, i had the bright idea to try my hand at quilting. leslie was not gung-ho about all the pink baby girl items on the market, so i searched for some skull pink stuff and a cool pattern to […]
fall batavia trip…
isaac and i (and the brand new sweet ride) took a spontaneous trip to lovely and autumny western ny last tuesday. here’s proof: watering the flowers: jake and baby eliot: me and isaac riding the train at the strong museum: isaac playing with BIG legos at strong: isaac and new gramma at 123 sesame street: […]
Impromptu bath
Came in from picking veggies from the garden to this scene. Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Zoo Trip
on tuesday, jake, isaac, carlye and myself ventured out to the lovely north carolina zoo. i have been there a few times before. it was isaac’s first time. he still seemed a little underwhelmed with actually getting to see real live animals. we got a season pass, nonetheless, so he’d better start to like it […]
jake’s cake
after watching me make a massive number of cupcakes in the last two weeks, jake decided he wanted to try his hand at a little decorating. i was rather looking forward to my week without cakes, but i figured he’d have fun. and the kitchen was spotless, so why wouldn’t we slather frosting all over […]
eat free chikin.
jake, isaac and myself will be dressing up as cows today and heading to chick fil a for some free food today. it’s cow appreciation day! learn all about it at