after watching me make a massive number of cupcakes in the last two weeks, jake decided he wanted to try his hand at a little decorating. i was rather looking forward to my week without cakes, but i figured he’d have fun. and the kitchen was spotless, so why wouldn’t we slather frosting all over […]
eat free chikin.
jake, isaac and myself will be dressing up as cows today and heading to chick fil a for some free food today. it’s cow appreciation day! learn all about it at
4th cupcakes.
made these for the two parties we had on the fourth of was mostly just an excuse to test out my new daisy cutter.and i didn’t even get to do that, since jake and his pal from church did all the cutting. here they are, nonetheless….
batavia trip – volume 6 – miscellaneous
couldn’t leave out these shots: isaac having his first (very artificially colored) push pop. thanks “new gramma”: jake reading to isaac :)… jake and isaac feeding the fish: and, i’ll let you guess what is taking place in this shot:
batavia trip – volume 5 – utica trip
from batavia, i did something that i always intend to do, but haven’t done since 2004*… i made a trip out to my old college town of utica to visit some old friends. how i had missed all my old favorite stops: the varick, franco’s pizza, the utica marsh, the scenic view of industry long […]
batavia trip – volume 4 – austin park with the redbands varlands
on a couple of occasions, we visited the new and improved austin park and visited with my old pal from high school, julie redband varland. 🙂she’s got two little varlands herself, so it’s fun to have playdates in batavia. isaac mostly liked the swing and jake did a great job obliging him: here’s a lovely […]
batavia trip – volume 1 – st. joe’s carnival
this is the first of quite a few blog posts dedicated to our recent trip to batavia, ny 14020. isaac and i drove up with sarahpowers, stayed for two weeks, and drove back with jakepaine (my brother). rather than one, long, obnoxious post, i’ll be breaking it down into several, smaller, more manageable pieces… first […]
Potty Training
Earlier this year, we dabbled a bit in introducing the potty, only to discover that Isaac wasn’t really interested. Well, he was interested. Just not quite “getting it”. He wanted to wear undies. He was willing to sit on the potty. He didn’t have accidents. Sort of. He would hold it and hold it and […]
isaac’s hero
isaac loves jake.anything jake does is hilarious.especially if it involves some three stooges humor.
i like swinging.
my ny family (mom, terry, jake, dogs and neighbor debbie) came and left. terry and derek worked feverishly on the deck and it’s looking really awesome. other than that we didn’t really do much. i didn’t take many pictures except for a quick trip to the park. my mom plopped isaac onto the big kid’s […]