stuff and things.

not much to report around here. it felt like i had a ton to post about, but then i looked through my pictures since last weekend when we put up the tree and there were like 10 total pictures taken.

one of them was of this cute butt. in underpants. because the girl is potty trained!! we started the tuesday before thanksgiving, but really got serious about it on the friday after. black friday. ha. anyhow, she figured it all out pretty quick and is now a potty trained champ. much easier than the boy.

lucy. lazy lucy.

anna and i celebrated the end of the long thanksgiving weekend with a trip to chick fil a. side note: since getting out christmas decor, we now take that snowman with us everywhere.

we came home one day to find the chickens just lounging on the front porch. we clipped their wings the next day.

ike came home from church with this card. i love his little handwriting. 🙂

i think that’s all.
it’s december 1st. we started our advent calendars today. we have a playmobil one. and a little box with tiny little doors stuffed with tiny little gifts. today was punching balloons.

3 Replies to “stuff and things.”

  1. Aw man, I love punching balloons!

  2. I kept all my kids spontaneous love notes to/about Jesus. I have one that lives in my wallet in 4 y/o writing that just says ” i love jesus”. It reminds me of everything.

  3. […] anna is wearing a pull-up. it was exactly one year ago that we successfully potty-trained the girl. she was a champ. and… in the last few months, that effort has completely crumbled. a week or so ago, i gave […]

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