Summer, Summer, Summertime

Well, that’s it.
It’s over.
Tomorrow, I go back to school and the summer is officially over.

Here are my feelings on that:

I feel like I didn’t really get a breather. A recharge (as our principal puts it.) I took classes and went to camps. I had a move, which is my fault, admittedly. Then, I had to take another credit, which consumed the last few weeks.

On the other hand, I’m excited to be back. I missed the kids. I’m excited about my second full year. I learned so much. I’m excited to teach precalculus. I’m excited to not have to write every single lesson plan from scratch. I’m excited that I don’t have to figure out the school system for the first two weeks of school.

So, yeah. That’s my thoughts.
Without further ado….. Here we go!!!

10 Replies to “Summer, Summer, Summertime”

  1. So? How was day 1?

    The tension. The drama. We can hardly wait to hear.

  2. It was productive. This year, I’m opting for a grouped seating arrangement. It allows for easier roaming about the room. The disadvantage is obvious: kids are in groups and are easily distracted by fellow group mates.

    I put away all my new materials. Cleaned my desk. “Stole” a bookshelf from a teacher who has moved on. (She said I could have it). Let’s see…

    I hung up some posters. I filled one section of my wall with red paper, although I’m not sure what to do next. I labeled my graphing calculators.

    Oh, and I went to a two hour long coaches meeting. Good times….

  3. You’re not coaching any fall sports, are ya?

    A generalized coaches meeting i assume?

  4. Yes. Generalized. No fall sports.

  5. Hm. You’re teaching precalculus.

    I got a C in precalculus.

    And I failed my final exam.

    I’m amazing.

  6. If you’re to be a good writer, it will do you well to find other adjectives besides “amazing”.

  7. And you need to stop beginning sentences with “and”. Or, rather…..You also need to refrain from beginning sentences with the word “and”.

  8. I just read in Julie’s that she isn’t going to be a journalism major anymore. It’s probably better that way. 🙂

  9. damn, too bad, I dont start again till September 6th……..hahaha

  10. you won’t be laughing in the middle of june when i’m at the beach.

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