christmas cookies: 2010 edition

isaac’s preschool christmas party was supposed to be today, but schools across north carolina were canceled because of a bunch of ice falling from the skies and coating the ground. i was in charge of bringing cookies, frosting, sprinkles, et cetera, for the kids to decorate and take home. so, now, i’m stuck with a bunch of cookies, frosting, sprinkles and et cetera. so, during a nap for the sweet annababy, i peeled isaac away from the tv and his ipod (sort of – it was on the table with us at all times) long enough to decorate some cookies. isaac did a great job. he even frosted a few of his own. i’ll leave it to you to decide which ones were his. he abandoned me about halfway through, leaving a bunch of cookies for me to adorn myself as well as a giant mess of sprinkles and frosting scattered about the kitchen. anyhooo… it was fun. and now we have way more cookies than we will be able to consume…

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