i don’t know how it all went by so quickly, but the baby hazelnut turned seven this month. seven! even though we were thick in the stupid post thanksgiving covid spike, we were determined to make her day epic.
we kicked things off with gramma and grampa dropping off a special delivery of duck donuts, requested and personalized by and for the birthday girl.

we had a chilly front porch gift opening event. grampa gave her a stuffed gnome which, like his first egg blanket for my birthday, was the unexpected favorite of the day. she also got a new playmobil set, the first of many she received on her big day.
we are getting tired of the front porch birthday celebrations and are ready for the pandemic to end. also it is for sure not warm enough for ike to be in shorts.

after breakfast, hazel opened our gifts. the big winner was her very own josh allen jersey. she told me she wanted it. blue not white. and not just a t-shirt, but an actual jersey ($$$). but the look on her face makes it worth it. some playmobil and legos and such from her sibs also made her smile.
hazel requested chick fil a for lunch and pasta for dinner. and then it was cake time!! and what theme was her cake you ask? why josh allen and buffalo bills of course! i will have an entire post dedicated to the cake, but i think it is safe to say she loved it.

some selfies and candle shots. and a warning that it was determined that the red and blue icing and fondant was decidedly not delicious.
we invited our covid pod friends over to have some cake with us and it was a perfect ending to the day for our girl. maddie is her best pal and brought her favorite gift of the day: a tiny stuffed animal regifted from her bedroom. because of course.

so that’s it. my baby is seven. she’s is very sweet and thoughtful. and smart and hilarious. she loves to draw and read and watch the simpsons and play minecraft. she’s the snuggliest kid ever and has a huge crush on josh allen, the baby faced qb superstar of the buffalo bills.

happy birthday big kid. i hope you had a lovely day.
Love this girl!