On January 24th, the boy had himself yet another birthday. How it’s been 14 years since he hit the scene, I cannot comprehend. As per my usual, I attempted to take a photo for instagram, to commemmorate the occasion with lovely sentiments. And as per the Lidkid usual, he made that difficult.
But, I can still write lovely sentiments. In the past year, Isaac has changed a lot. Physically, he’s grown like a weed and is now taller than me. He went on a self imposed gluten free diet, which helped with some anger and anxiety he was feeling, thus helping his general disposition. He’s still a super nerd computer gamer guy who loves Minecraft, but he’s more recently added lots of horror games to his repertoire. Which leads me to his cake.
He asked for an “Ice Scream Rod” cake. Due to my stupid new all consuming job, I tried to properly set his expectations, but thankfully, his birthday was on a Sunday, which gave me a bit of breathing room to make his cake. Als, thankfully, he only wanted a simple gluten free chocolate cake with a buttercream likeness of the aforementioned Ice Scream Rod on top. I like to think I nailed it. And he was happy, so that’s most important I guess.
We held the present opening ceremony shortly after breakfast. I live amongst some of the least patient gift givers on the planet, so this is actually an accomplishment. We surprised him with an Oculus VR headset for the whole family, and his big gift was several games that he could play with it, but I think this lovely card from Anna was his second best gift.
Instead of a party, he asked to just have a full day hangout with his good pal, J. She obliged.
For dinner, it was oven pizzas. Gluten free for the boy and his guest. Full gluten for the girlies.

Lastly, it was cake time. (We had to hustle, because the Bills playoff game was on, and that’s definitely more important that my first born’s birthday). We sang. Obnoxiously. And cake was consumed. And the boy’s 14th was in the books.