june was a blur. the end of school for all three kids. anna at summer camp. some cakes. lots of work shifts. some sewing. play dates. still the gym. and getting ready to be gone for most of july. here’s what happened, according to the photos i took. (some other stuff probably happened, but i […]
spring break 2023…

for spring break this year, we packed up and headed to an airbnb, in the wilderness of the nantahala national forest, on the tippy western end of north carolina. as the children grow, so does the volume of our “luggage” (reusable shopping bags, mostly), making packing the back of the subaru feel like the most […]
november twentytwentyone.

i seriously can’t believe it’s already december. this year has flown by. between my virtual teaching fiasco, preparing for and taking a long summer road trip, and the chaos of adjusting to two kids in school, i feel like i blinked and 11 months have gone by. anyhoooo. here’s a recap of all things november. […]
april generic stuff. 2021.

April was pretty great. The weather is lovely. We had a normal Easter. We took our first RV trip of 2021. I made a fun new epic pillow. And I went camping all by myself. Here’s what happened in the in between moments. Let’s see. Firstly, Derek has surprised me with a few fabric bundles. […]
dreher island state park.south carolina with pals

Our first RV trip of 2021 was fantastic. Dreher Island State Park in South Carolina was very pretty. I wasn’t aware that such places existed in South Carolina. :). We arrived in the early afternoon and set up shop in our lakefront campsite. The views were lovely. Derek surprised me with this camping loveseat that […]
march miscellany. 2021 edition.

In like a lion, out like a lamb. Or at least that’s the saying in Western New York. Pertaining to the weather. Well, it works here for me too. I started out March in a really bad place about teaching. And then, I quit. I gave my notice on March 3rd, spent the next two […]
the boy is fourteen.

On January 24th, the boy had himself yet another birthday. How it’s been 14 years since he hit the scene, I cannot comprehend. As per my usual, I attempted to take a photo for instagram, to commemmorate the occasion with lovely sentiments. And as per the Lidkid usual, he made that difficult. But, I can […]
december in the time of covid.

well. here we are. the december wrap up post. the truth is, i could have completed this a few days ago, because not much noteworthy stuff has happened since christmas. i was holding out for an epic new year, but then i went to bed at 10:30, so no epicness was had. unless you count […]
august 2020. sigh.

these covid days and weeks and months just keep running together. taking forever, but sort of weirdly flying by. aside from our trip to the smokies and starting homeschool, our august was pretty boring. so here’s a brief tale about the happenings. firstly. the garden. it’s been a very strange year. i only ended up […]
monthly non-adventure post, july edition.

another month of pandemic life has come and gone. things are still sort of opened, but now cases are back on the increase, so no one knows what to make of anything anymore. it’s madness. but somehow, the month still managed to fly by, maybe because we are used to it at this point. all […]