for spring break this year, my brother and his little family ventured down from western new york for a week of north carolina adventures. our first order of business was to head over to robertson family farms for some tulip picking.
it was close to the end of the season, but there were still plenty of tulips left. we gave the kids a tulip limit and they set off to find the perfect bouquet.
we tried to gently “guide” them into picking a variety of colors and selecting tulips that were still a little closed, so they would have some longevity once cut. it was a tough sell.
holden was basically the cutest. obviously. three is fun.
only the girls attended this trip. turns out tulip picking is not an attractive experience for a fifteen year old boy. anna was very scrupulous in her selections, opting for a only the best specimens.
hazel definitely exceeded the maximum limit and had a looser interpretation of the ideal tulip, but i’m ok with that.
the girls love holden. holden loves the girls. we were losing him a bit at this point, so we hurried up to get some group shots and paid for our tulip bounty and headed back to the casa.
What a fun spring adventure!