on one particularly lovely day, it was determined by ruby and i, that we would go up to stone mountain for a hike. we had a fantastic time. the only thing that went wrong was we took a wrong turn at the beginning of the big loop, which meant we ascended mostly via stairs and switchbacks and descended on the steep part, using cables and rock “steps”.
it also meant that we hit the homestead and waterfall area first, which i prefer to save for the reward for our efforts.

ruby didn’t mind though, and was happy to cool off, despite still having the bulk of the hike remaining.

just after the waterfall, we tackled the zillion stairs to the top of the waterfall, and then continued on through the prescribed burned out zone, up the stupid switchbacks and we finally arrived at the peak, where we stopped for some snacks and pets from strangers.

best hiking partner.

i think she’s smiling for sure. not sure what i’m doing (attempting to take a selfie on a screen i can’t really see in the sun).

from there, it was basically straight back down, cables first. then the rocky stairs. the worst part. (it’s brutal coming up too, but cardiovascularly, not orthopedically. and i much prefer to knock out the climb quickly and at the beginning).

it was a great day and ruby was a perfect hiking partner. she still does tend to pull a little, which tires her out sooner, especially going uphill. but, i used a little trick i learned from a guy we met on our travels a couple of summers back, and clipped her leash into the waistband of my pack, which helped a TON with her pulling me off balance.
anyways. we will definitely be doing more of this as the weather gets nicer.