the crazelnut has had a pretty great first year at vienna elementary. we had always heard fantastic things about the school and it definitely lived up to the reputation. as the year was winding down, folks started talking up the big field day, aka: the pfafftown olympics. having been to a few field days back when ike was in school, i was anticipating a sort of ho hum mess of random kid chaos, but it was anything but. it was very serious business, well organized, and rather intense. 🙂
the day kicked off with all of the classes parading out to the field for an opening ceremony, while parents stood and cheered. there was even a ceremonial faux torch and everything.

we started out indoors, with some hula hooping, whiffle ball throwing, basketball shooting, and frisbee tossing (hazel’s event). it was so cute to see the classes cheering on their “athletes). back outside, the kids participated in several silly events, like leap frog relay race, tennis ball balance relay, and three legged races. the final event for this part of the day was tug of war. hazel’s nerd class was dominated in seconds.

then we moved to a different part of the field and it was racing time. so many single races and relay races. not silly this time. speed, only speed. my girl was signed up for several of these, much to my surprise, and she’s also pretty fast, also much to my surprise. again. so cute to hear the kiddos from her classes chanting her name and cheering her on.

at the end of the day, she talked me into signing her out early and taking her to chick fil a for lunch. (tough sell). there were like five other kids from her class (and plenty more from her school) there at the same time, which she thought was very exciting.

anyways. it was a great day. and even if i wish everyone was still homeschooled and living in an rv traveling the country, if i have to be stuck in a house that i hate in a town and state that i hate, at least hazel’s school seems pretty fantastic and she’s happy.