and now, for my march wrap up.
hazel continued her taekwondo journey. she loved it. and loved master c.

as the weather got nicer, i began walking at the park more frequently. not sure why i felt the need to document this, but march pics are sort of lean so this is what my content is.

some random shots. anna attempting get curly hair by braiding when wet overnight. she’s quite proud. and hazel off to some sort of colorful themed day at school. ruby, the most tolerant dog you’ll ever meet. and hazel, making cookies for teacher appreciation week. 🙂

i debated an entire dedicated easter post, but in the end decided to cram it into my march post.
we hosted this year. a perfect way to pawn off all of our cookies.

it was a lovely day, and seating was quite informal.

once we were sufficiently stuffed, it was time for the main event. the egg hunt. these kiddos have been egg hunting together for a lot of years. and we have had to really up our game. this year, we pooled our resources and added gift cards and cash to the mix, along with the standard candy and stickers and tiny toys. and then we hid them like psychopaths. these kids need to put in some work for eggs filled with cash.

things were a lot more intense this year. once all of the eggs were found, we lounged around for awhile as the kids went through them, taking inventory of their hauls.

oh. and i made a carrot cake.