sometimes, at the quilt shop, we get a product or pattern that “needs” an example, or a sample, to be constructed for display to the customers. when we received some adorable camping themed panels with one of our collections, i planned to make them up either way, so it worked out that i could make them for the shop to use (extremely discounted) and then keep them when i was done.
first up, this cute stuffed campfire and s’mores playset. i wasn’t sure if it was too baby-ish for hazelnut, but she assured me it wasn’t. but even when it is, i will ship it off to my nephews.

the other panel/kit for this fabric line was this bear backpack. it is the cutest. i don’t have a pic of it, but the fabric inside the mouth/zipper pouch has big old teeth. this was an obvious make for my newest nephew barrett, or “bear” (or little bear, bearbear, brotherbear, babybear….). he’s not quite ready for it yet, but it won’t be long!

before our trip to batavia for spring break, i whipped up a few pokemon zipper pouches for barrett’s bro, holden’s birthday. hes a new pokemon enthusiast, inducted into the world by his long time pokemon loving father, and has recently acquired quite a collection of figurines and cards, so hopefully these will help transport them to their various destinations.

i had the opportunity to make another sample for the shop, using some ruby star layer cakes and the iconic quilt pattern. it came together sooooo quickly and before i knew it, i was quilting wonky loops all over it.

i bound it up with the bright lemon yellow straws print, which reads more like stripes on a binding, and backed with the pushpops and ice cream toppings (leaving the selvage edge between them as an artistic decision).

it’s really not my style of quilt, so i planned to donate it to hazel’s school for a fundraiser in the fall when i got it back from the shop. then the hurricane happened in western north carolina and the fundraiser was canceled and this sucker was shipped off to the mountains. hopefully someone is thoroughly enjoying it.