first of all. let me tell you a tale of how, when jenn and brandy were visiting, we may or may not have gotten caught up with the idea of getting baby chicks and stopped in at tractor supply and made a complete and total impulse purchase of four baby chicks to add to our coop.

one of our hens, josh allen, has been broody, so our plan was to slip the babies under her, one by one, and that she would think she hatched her eggs. our first attempt was a total failure and she wanted nothing to do with them. so we brought them in, put them under the heat lamp and regrouped. and maybe played with them some. 🙂

i waited until late in the night, when chickens are sort of in a hypnotic trance, and tried again. instead of disrupting her several times, i put them all in at once. we put a camera on her and watched, hopeful. she accepted them and in the morning, josh allen was a doting mother hen!

we did have a tragic situation when one of the babies got tangled in her feathers and died, something i had never heard of, but as soon as i googled it, a million results popped up. rough one. but three lived (and are now adults and laying and are named ponyboy, whitney houston, and moana).
in other news. my health journey continues.
pretty boring. weights. cardio. walks. protein. veggies. repeat.

hazel’s taekwondo adventures also continued. she lovessss the teen assistant teachers.

as april came to a close, the end of school year festivities started rolling in. anna was pretty super excited about the eighth grade formal. i enlisted our old pal jude to help with her hair. her very stick straight hair. she went with a few of her friends and had a great time.

meanwhile, on the very same night, hazel had a spring fling glow party rave sort of thing at her school. lots of chemicals and noise and sweat and flashing colors. what fun…

in non-baby-chick related chicken news, our girls were back to laying in full force. which means we had an abundance of eggs. thankfully jenn and brandy were glad to have some freebies. we also had to do a little training to get our friends comfortable with chicken care so they could help out with then while we were out of town (batavia and future travels).

lastly, some final notes. hazel got glasses. ike continued to make epic perler bead art. giant snakes were on my walk. and hazel hates the dentist.

see you in may……