after our sea kayaking adventure, we took the posse inland, for a bit of hiking, waterfall peeping, and general tourism. i think we were still technically on national park service land, but it was all mixed in with little towns and such. and if i’m remembering this day correctly, there were some closures that prevented us from doing all that we had hoped. oh, and black flies.
anyways. our first stop was back to munising, where we did a very short little hike to munising falls. we checked it out from a number of different overlooks. it was cool.

from there, we hopped in the car and started along the coast. there were a few spots to hop out and check out scenic lake superior. we debated a three mile hike to a lighthouse, but after assessing the black fly situation at the overlooks, we decided it was not in our best interest. (also, despite our warnings, certain members of our party did not bring or wear long pants on this excursion).

we made a quick little stop at a local fabric shop, where i scored some national parks fabrics that i’m missing from my massive collection and didn’t really need but whatever. and then we scooted off to another waterfall hike. miner’s falls, i think?

our final stop (that i’ve documented via photos, because lets be honest, i have no actual recollection of these events) was a little boardwalk hike down to miner’s castle. it’s just a rock formation that juts up and looks cool i guess.

we coulud see off to the north, (east, maybe?) all of the lake shoreline that we had kayaked the day before, so that was fun.

at the end of the hike, we saw miner’s castle from afar, which was actually much better than up close and in person.

anyways. that pretty much wraps up the excursions of that day. i think. i’m guessing we hit up some shops or something, but there’s no pics so no proof.