while i would be happy just chilling at the beach with a book for the entirety of our vacation, it turns out that kids seem to need more activities. which likely explains all the minigolf and aquariums and such.
my boss/friend teresa’s fam has a home at oak island and gave me a hot tip about a cool farmers market. we are always down for a farmers market and spent a million dollars on carbs and sugars.

then we were off to an aquarium. don’t ask me which one or what the name of the town was or anything. i do not remember and i refuse to google it. it was very aquarium-y and the kids enjoyed looking at all the standard aquarium exhibits.

we actually talked them into a little excursion to a different beach that evening, but i’ll post about that next.
(reminder that i am typing this at the end of jan 2025 and i just do not really remember much about these happenings and i’m trying to piece it together from pictures).