if it seemed like the summer was whirlwind, stuffed full of vacations and adventures, you’re not mistaken. it was made even more hectic, because the school calendar was moved forward by about two weeks this year, so the kiddos were back at it in early august. not crazy about it, but come next may, we might feel differently.
ike is starting his SENIOR year. oh my. he only has one class at his school and then takes the rest online at the local community college in a dual enrollment program. anna is starting high school and couldn’t be more excited and ready. and hazel is in her final year at her elementary school, a little nervous about the class shuffling situation (she’s been with the same group for her first two years there).

hazel was in need of a large pencil pouch, so of course i bought a pattern and made her this super cute harry potter boxy zipper pouch. it still barely fits everything.

i did have an easy cake that doesn’t necessitate it’s own whole post, so i’ll put it here. my pal heather’s daughter got married and i provided a small heart cake. 🙂

derek, his dad, and nephew all share auguest birthdays, so we had a little gathering to celebrate them all at once at our place. i made carrot cake and lemonade cake for the occasion and chipotle was catered in.

ok. for the miscellany….a trip to slappy’s chicken for derek’s birthday. and. well. i started classes at community college. ha. the same one ike is at. more on this later. but for now. a pic with my new besties.

just a too cool pic of hazelnut. along with likely her last pic at taekwondo. we did not renew our membership to what i not-so-affectionately refer to as “dance karate pyramid scheme”.

back at work, we got a new vacuum, which necessitated a photo. and. i gave some blood, and it happened to be a friday, so when i did my usual “blood giving treat yo’ self”, it was a double treat, because village fabric gives out real homemade sweets on fridays with fabric purchases. so many wins.

so. upon returning from the beach, i was feeling pretty, well, fat. so, i started doing 75 hard. it’s pretty much a challenge to beef up your mental and physical toughness. one requirement is a daily outdoor workout, which is great mostly, except when it’s pouring down rain. expect to see many more pics and info about this challenge in the next two months posts. 🙂

lastly. i guess we took a lot of pics of ruby. also, she’s the biggest doofus you’ll ever meet.