the crazelnut loves to sing. and loves chorus. and loves her chorus director, mr. howe.
this year, the vienna chorus was selected to perform at some big north carolina music teacher type convention in downtown winston-salem. the kids were pretty stoked.
we packed carpooled and filed into the hotel and waited forEVER before packing into a hot and humid ballroom, where the kids sang a selection of their winter chorus songs for an audience of mostly music teachers and parents.

hazel looked like she might cry for most of it, and she later said she felt so hot and the kid in front of her kept rocking into her on the back row, and she was struggling. sad, because she was pretty excited about this.
anyways. about a month later, it was time for the christmas concert. we thought we arrived early enough to get decent seats, but like last year, we were relegated to the balcony section of the gym bleachers. so, my pics are grainy and blurry. at least i was entertained by these two clowns. older sisters of the chorus stars.

the kids were adorable. a lot more christmas songs in this set list than the stuffy nc music teacher thing.

they had some fun little choreography bits for the songs, and hazel, who declined an opportunity to try out for a solo, had a minor intro speaking part.

it was cute. they had fun. but we weren’t able to stick around for all of the fanfare afterward, because we had to race off to basketball practice. the life of a multitalented kid. 🙂