another christmas season is upon us. so it’s time to do all of the yearly tradition type things.
first up. the decorating of the gingerbread houses. i’ve been contemplating the evolution of this activity through the years. the first few with tiny kids, where i had to have all hands on deck for help. the prepackaged kits. the tiny ons on the road.
and now, inviting over friends. buying up any and all manner of possible candy decor and flair. premaking the houses from graham crackers, because i’m super cheap. and the kids turning everything super dark.
we started off tidy. things got sugary and stick and out of hand quickly.

we invited our pals amanda (the mom) and ella (hazel’s classmate). and they were dialed in. we all were. anna was most excited to incorporate the gummy rope that they brought into her murder mysteries.

the finished masterpieces were fantastic this year. and concerning.
anna continued in her tradition of creating very themed murder scenes. this year featured the lead singer of the killers band as the crooning culprit. and there were many death of impalement.

the two small girls were also a little unhinged, following anna’s lead, but not without they own personal dark flair. i particularly like the sour patch kid being burned alive in the outdoor fireplace.

amanda and i stayed traditional. you know. balance. my main goal is excessive mass. all the bling and flair.

they made for a fantastic and gaudy and chaotic neighborhood.
just the way we like our gingerbread ‘hoods.

and another successful gingerbread house building party was in the books. and the christmas season was off to a fab start.