more christmas…
reading charlie brown christmas (which is decidedly less scary than the video that has a creepy scooby doo preview that makes isaac break down into a bumbling mess). looking in stockings: opening play doh: sadly, we didn’t take many more pictures on christmas. i’m sure someday i’ll look back and regret not taking more picture […]
cookie helper… belated pics.
this took place sometime before christmas. i’m a little bit delayed in posting… my apologies. also, some apologies for the onslaught of posts that is about to commence.
bacon and eggs ornament.
crafted this up for our life groups ornament exchange. it was difficult to part with, but after realizing the joy it brought the recipient, i will be ok…
christmas cookies, round 2
last saturday, mandy and her girls came over and we finished baking cutout cookies and then decorated them. isaac decorated one cookie, ate it, and ate two undecorated cookies and called it quits. the girls hung in till the bitter end and decorated a zillion cookies. the last is my favorite.
cookie apprentice
isaac and i decided it was time to to a little holiday cooking. he helped make the cookie dough, by reading numbers on the recipe and counting out the ingredients. and by sticking his fingers into sugar and licking them. both were very helpful. then, we got down to the fun part… cutting out the […]
eliot’s baby gift christmas present
so, when i found out that lesolie (sister) was going to have a brand new baby girl, i had the bright idea to try my hand at quilting. leslie was not gung-ho about all the pink baby girl items on the market, so i searched for some skull pink stuff and a cool pattern to […]
christmas wishlist.
me: isaac, what do you want for christmas? isaac: nothing. me: i thought you said you wanted “hiro” the train? isaac: i do want hiro the train. me: for christmas? isaac: no. for my train set.