the final stop on the lidbom rambling roadshow (although we didn’t know it at the time) was a little place in yemassee, south carolina. it’s sort of located between charleston and savannah, so our plan was to do a bit of exploring in each spot. we ended up mostly sticking to savannah, though, because on […]
okeefenokee swamp.

after our time in saint augustine, we began to make our way back towards winston-salem. derek found us a little campground outside of the okefenokee swamps of georgia, so we decided to do a bit of exploring there. for our first day, we decided a canoe trip through the black waters was on tap. it […]
the final week of the trial run.

we are home now. we got home last saturday. it took a few days to actually unload everything, which includes this computer. so, i have a wee bit of catching up to do. but, since our last week was relatively uneventful, i can wrap it up in two posts. this is the everyday life post. […]