it’s fall! the favorite season around these parts. we are all settled into the routine of school. football season is in full swing. it’s cooling off (but it’s still north carolina, so sort of stupidly warm). and we are ready for the gauntlet of holidays. so, here’s how we spent our october…. first things first. […]
adventures in misdiagnosis.

ugh. on the monday before christmas, hazel had a fever. we gave her some ibuprofen. and crossed our fingers that whatever it was would be easy, quick and not contagious. before she went to bed, her fever had come down and we thought it was just a fluke. hahahah. then, at 1:30 am, there was […]

it’s been a crazy couple of weeks around here. two weeks ago, today, i went to crossfit for the first time. i was hoping to get my butt back in gear and stop being fat. the workout was mostly pullups (i got to do wussy pullups using rings), rowing, and squats. i could tell i […]