now that we no longer have an rv, we are forced to vacation like regular people again, staying in hotels and resorts and the like. for christmas last year, the grandlidboms gifted us with a week’s stay at own of their timeshare properties, so for our first such regular people vacation, we headed out to […]
ocracoke day.OBX adventure.

we knew that for one of derek’s days off while we were in the outer banks, we wanted to make the long cruise down to ocracoke, to check things out. it’s about an hour or so to the hatteras-ocracoke ferry from our campground, so we obviously stopped for duck donuts along the way. (the girls […]
oregon inlet beach.OBX adventure.

well. here i go again. attempting to catch up my blog from MONTHS ago. it’s a few days after christmas and i have to go all the way back to the beginning of october to begin. and the worst part? we have done a LOT of stuff, so it looks like i will need about […]