thirty seven.

today i’m thirty seven weeks of pregnant. three to go…

i’m starting to be a little on the side of miserable.
losing my breath when i bend over to pick something up.
feeling like beached whale when it’s time to roll over in bed.
having all of my organs squished. (mostly bladder and lungs).
constantly pulling up my maternity pants.

we’re pretty much ready to go around here.
i will probably pack a bag for the hospital at some point soon.
and i guess a bag for the kiddos getting whisked off to the grandparents.
maybe even today. 🙂

in other news, i’ll be thirty seven this week, too.
(saturday to be exact).
that’s how old my mom was when she had jake.
she was way too old to be having babies.
or so it seemed.
and now, here i am.

that’s all.
a picture free update.

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