june and july rolled by fast. and then. it was august. and there were beach preparations. and school preparations. and, well, without further ado, here’s 25 pictures from auguest. anna picked out this fantastic light up backpack for school. park playdate. before the friends arrived. a moment of getting along. this girl can stand. from […]
hazel’s big adventure

here’s the story of how hazel arrived. if you have followed along, you know that about a week before my due date, my blood pressure started to do that thing where it creeps up. except it never really skyrocketed. just crept. and then, my due date came and went. and more days came and went. […]
my last night of pregnancy.
well. we went to the doc today. and they pretty much induce at 41 weeks. which is wednesday for me. so, we scheduled to be induced tomorrow. and the hospital gave us 430am as our time slot. thanks for that. i just packed up the kiddos to head to gramma’s. derek is getting me one […]
the finish line. or not quite.
well. today is my due date for this third (and last) baby. and it’s not looking very promising that she will be here any time soon. isaac was a few days early. anna was a few days late. but they were both induced. i was hoping this girl would be at least on time, if […]
39 weeks and 1 day.

i am in my 40th week of pregnancy. which is supposed to be the last. except anna proved that to be wrong. i don’t feel like there’s a baby who is ready to make her arrival. just fat. and tired. and ready. also. it’s thanksgiving. we are getting ready to head to derek’s sister’s house […]
thirty seven.
today i’m thirty seven weeks of pregnant. three to go… i’m starting to be a little on the side of miserable. losing my breath when i bend over to pick something up. feeling like beached whale when it’s time to roll over in bed. having all of my organs squished. (mostly bladder and lungs). constantly […]
crazy kidney week.

so. well. we had a little excitement last week. on sunday night, i started to feel a little blah. then, that evening my lower back started to hurt. a lot. i hit up a heating pad and some baths and nothing was touching it. then, a fever rolled onto the scene. around 2 or so, […]
this is just how i blog now.

i know when i’ve been defeated. i can admit it. posting once every week or so, and just throwing up a bunch of captioned pics seems to be the way things are going now. and i’m ok with it. this blog post will be no different. it goes back about two and a half weeks […]
30 weeks.
tomorrow, i will be 30 weeks of pregnant. 10 left. to derek, that’s 10 weekends left to get things together and ready, because it gets a little crazytown after that. plus we have the added bonus of trying to get christmas shopping, wrapping and decorating done, mostly for the two previously existing kiddos. anyhow, i’m […]
godzilla vs. strawberry shortcake.

we had our ultrasound for the third (and final) baby yesterday. and…. it’s a girl! the kids had picked out names for a boy (godzilla) and a girl (strawberry shortcake), so it looks like godzilla will be have to put on the back burner for a potential pet or future grandchildren. (note: we already have […]