Woodland Side


Per Debbie’s “request” (demand):
Here is a picture of the woodland side of the garden. So she can show Darcie.

OR… She could have taken her OWN picture and shown Darcie and been way nicer than that.

5 Replies to “Woodland Side”

  1. “OR… She could have taken her OWN picture and shown Darcie and been way nicer than that.”

    Yeah, but then i never would have gotten to see it. Unless, of course, Debbie were to stop over to 565 Moore to show me. But we both know that ain’t about to happen any time soon.

  2. and then, she doesn’t even comment. not even a a thanks.

  3. by the way frankie… haven’t you realized yet that this passive aggressive technique hasn’t gotten you very far? just have a party and invite everyone. then when they don’t come — blow them up.

  4. Not only did she not thank you, it seems, but i’m wagering that she never even came back to show Darcie. Thereby rendering your efforts totally useless – my satisfaction and thanks notwithstanding.

  5. Thanks. I’ll show Darcie, visit Frankie and make amends to everyone in the world I’ve ever dissed in any way. Except Mrs. Corbelli.

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