here’s my month installment of random happenings. i still have to go back and write a thanksgiving-ish post. and a post about the latest development in our lives. in due time. in due time.
for now. a quick run through my favorite month of the year. 🙂
lego lab at the library with josiah.
hazel was excited to see the christmas decorations out at costco.
during isaac’s piano lessons, i take the girls shopping. we tried the training carts. it was mayhem.
picked up some clearance “fall” m&m’s and moved onto delicious christmas hershey’s kisses.
i took anna to “try hockey for free” day at the ice rink. she left off last season as a decent skater, but struggled a little this time around. she didn’t love it.
but she stuck it out for a bit. so cute.
leaf blowing. it was mostly wet and gross so there wasn’t as much superfun leaf pile hopping as in years past.
my friend lara, who has two daughters of her own, passed down a massive bag of dance items. old costumes, tap and ballet shoes, accessories. anna was in heaven.
we had a campfire at our house for boy scouts, so the scouts could “make their own meal” and “perform a skit” and some other stuff towards their belt loop. thankfully there was no school the next day.
oh. that big bag of dance stuff also contained a ton of hazel sized stuff. she LOVES the red sparkle shoes.
anna and her boyfriend. maddux. he’s the sweetest. i had lunch with them on my birthday.
hazel and sully. old pals from way back.
my friend danii (and husband, brian) throw an annual chicken stew (it’s a regional thing). this year we were invited. and it was delicious.
his diorama about tornadoes. (that’s what tired him out).
now. some hijacked school pics.
pajama day.
on the tuesday before thanksgiving, i was at the school ALL. DAY. LONG. prepping for isaac’s class’s thanksgiving feast. i stopped in to sit with anna at lunch. with maddux of course. (everytime i passed her class, she was sitting with him. so cute.)
a little thanksgiving dessert baking with this kid.
we attempted some cookie decorating.
gym pic. (really. i did great until thanksgiving. it’s been downhill ever since).
black friday morning. all the lidkids and liddogs in bed. photo by derek.
some painting with the girls. 🙂
ok. my goal is to be all caught up by tomorrow night. wish me luck.