for most of our time in winston-salem, its been rainy and cold or snowing and cold. it’s been pretty blah. but, finally the sun came out, and we took full advantage of it, driving up to hanging rock with our friends maya, livy, and heather, for a little bit of hiking and fresh air.
ok. so, wordpress (what i use to blog with) changed it’s entire editing interface, so i’m doing a bit of experimenting and learning. for this post, i’ve decided to just put all the pics in a gallery with captions. let me know what you think (if you have strong feelings either way).
at the trailhead. hiking gang. on the move. just about to hit the final ascent. taking a little breather. goofy goons. at the top. breathtaking. all of the folks willing to get this close to the edge. my view of the crew, after scrambling out to a different ledge. maya, the boulderer. the annababy brought a journal so she could compose a poem. of course. there was an injury. involving a hiking stick. poking her in the face. self inflicted. we took turns wandering out onto the official hanging rock ledge. girls and me. ike was a no go. heather and livs. maya was a no go. these two girls have always gravitated to each other. (and maya and isaac, but that’s another story). i went out to the hanging rock alone and anna took my picture from the official picture taking location. back on safe ground, hazel did some scrambling. back down down down we go. in the car, on the ride home, there was some singing along to the greatest showman. cute kiddos.
and that’s the gallery of our adventures. we had a super fun day and i didn’t realize how depressing it is to be cooped up inside the camper all the time. the hike rejuvenated me. i can’t wait to get back outside again. (it’s cold and blah again, so not anytime soon).
NC has some pretty good mountains, too. Just not very tall and not snow-covered…