so. one other benefit of stationary living is that i have a permanent quilting space. i was able to quilt more than i thought on the road, but it was a bit of work to set up and break down all the time. and, there was no room for fabric storage, so i always bought fabric with a specific project in mind, never to stash. :). well, maybe sometimes.
when we were all the way back in snohomish washington, outside of seattle, derek stopped by a fabric shop to pick up a surprise gift for me. the kind ladies of quilting mayhem helped him pick out a bundle of mixtape by libs elliott. then, i proceeded to carry it across the country, not really sure what to do with it, until we arrived home.
i have admired the many versions of the alternate endings quilt by coopcrafts i’ve been seeing for soooo long, but a half square triangle quilt with 400 square that need to be kept up in a certain order is not super ideal on the road. but now that i have a dedicated room and the perfect fabric bundle, it was obvious.
so. i started cutting. then i bought the pattern. oops. the pattern did things a bit different, but i was able to salvage it. then i lined it all up in rainbow-ish order.
ring. stack.
and then. so many half square triangles. and a certain way they all had to be matched up.. big table for the win. (this was the same table i had at the old house and sold to a friend when we went on the road. when we moved home, i said it was the one thing i regretted selling and not storing because it would be hard to find something like this for cheap. then the same friend called and asked if i wanted to buy this back now that we were back, because she wasn’t really using it. um, yes. please.)

all the half square triangle. reading for their final trim…

trimmed. and trimming scraps. both beautiful.
trimmed hst’s. trimmings.
the quilt is divided into four quadrants. the idea is that once you make your quadrants, you can lay them out in various ways to create an “alternate ending”. i was quite pleased with my first quadrant. (also. please take a minute to note my faux vinyl rattan flooring in my quilt room).

three quadrants done. laying out the last one. also a better view of my rattan flooring.

i could barely contain my excitement when a finished quilt top rolled off the presses. i tried to get good pics in a million locations in our house, but i think this corner of our living room is going to prove to have the best lighting for all future photographic endeavors.

then. it was basting time. our foyers makes a great giant space for basting a quilt. and it’s a thousand times cleaner than random rec lodge floors.

i was able to get it all quilted up in one morning at sewingly yours, while anna attended a kids sewing camp. she’s not quite ready to be dropped off at places without me, so i asked if i could camp out in the back and quilt, and they obliged.

i went with my standard, the all over meander, both because it’s easy and also because it doesn’t take away from the colors and pattern much. also in this pic, you can see the backing i chose, some rainbow-y tula pink, which i felt was the perfect choice, with a strip of some metallic gold skulls on linen that actually came in this fabric line, but didn’t really work in the quilt top.

drape-y pic in perfect lighting. complete with cactus planter for composition.

as with all my quilts, despite my protests and proclamations, it was quickly hijacked by tiny folk.

and doggos.

anyhow. it’s pretty much my new favorite quilt of all time. and my first finish in the new house. and it brightens up our very neutral living room. and i’m quite pleased with it.
Beautiful pics of your beautiful quilt and new home. I am so glad you have space to spread out and create masterpieces. Enjoy!