for like a million years, ever since i started quilting, i have been hoarding fabric by anna maria horner. i mostly don’t tend to love florals, but her bright saturated colors suck me in. there was one fabric line of hers i purchased and used up (regretably?), here and here, but mostly, i have just hoarded and hoarded. finally, 2020 was the year i was determined to make an epic quilt with all of the different fabrics i owned. since i have lots of different sized pieces, from random scraps, to mostly fat quarters and some yardage, i decided my <em>first</em> pattern would be an economy block. and here she is….

i acutally pieced and basted the quilt long before we went to florida in february. then, it sat. i wasn’t sure how i wanted to quilt it. and i wasn’t feeling any motivation to actually quilt it. then, on easter, i requested that my family give me time to knock it out. the best place in the house for quilting is actually the stupid built in table in our living room, so i was off to the races….

i bound it in some fabric, from amh’s most recent line, that i managed to snag at my local quilt shop, just before the lockdown. and then it was photography time. the current cool trend on insta is this spiral technique. so i gave that a go…

but nothing can compare with being able to see the quilt in its entirety. also a cute dog helps. a cute dog who was mad that i wouldn’t let her trample the quilt. i ended up echo quilting the diagonal lines. not sure if you can actually tell in any of the pics, but that’s sort of the point. to NOT have the quilting overtake the fabrics.

for the back, i used a big hunk of some fabric i had yardage of (the darker print on the right). and then some yardage i scored at a shop in greensboro during one of the days the kids were at co-op. oh, the memories of kid free days of errand running. anyhooo. they aren’t my favorites, i guess. but, they are anna maria horner and they were clearance. 🙂

i’m very happy with it. but i realized i barely dented my amh stash. so, it looks like there will be several more epic quilts to come. but i used up some of my most precious little scraps for this one, so it will likely always be my favorite. if i was meticulous and/or ocd, i maybe would have counted how many different fabrics there are, but i didn’t. but i estimate at least 100.

ok. one more pic. because those colors, right? and that pup. 🙂

It is beautiful!