time for a recap of march happenings in lidbomland.
we kicked off the month with a semi-spontaneous visit from my mom, aka new gramma. the kids had a long weekend, but since it was exceptionally nice the day before the long weekend, it was determined that anna would play hooky and have an extra long weekend, so we could go hike at hanging rock. it was lovely.

we did a bunch of other stuff, i think, but can’t be too sure because there’s no photo documentation and this was almost two months ago at the time of this typing. i do have proof that we visited my mom’s former neighbor who now lives just across town down here now.

there was a LOT of cakery happenings in march. i am trying to see if i can make a go of it as a home baker slash cake decorator, so i have been practicing here and there, and even signed up for an online workshop. it called for a different buttercream recipe than i was used to working with, so of course i had to do a practice run. and of course hazel helped me use up every last bit.

(all of the official bakes/decorates of the month are lined up in another post that i hope to get to soon).
and. if all of my baking wasn’t enough, anna’s little cookie cake business has been ramping up. she received an order for two cookie cakes to celebrate our good pal natalie passing her realtor’s exam. natalie’s mom is my friend, and anna and natalie have the cutest friendship, dating back to when anna was a tiny person and nat was a preteen. so fun.

for another order, anna made a cookie cake for one of my insta friend’s grandchildren. (she’s also a family friend and the extended family of one of my friends, because winston-salem is like that). anyways. this one was a magnatiles theme, and i think anna nailed it.

and now, for a bit of hazel-ry. we are still chugging away at home. she’s still lonely without her bro and sis all day, but i think she’s gotten used to it. anyways. we get out to eat here and there. and things get weird sometimes. i think she’s ready for summer. and then probably school in the fall….

no post is complete without some ruby photos….

and some chicken photos, which also happen to be anna photos, because she IS the chicken whisperer after all.

and, other than the posts i’m about to make about more specific things in march, that’s a wrap.
Love all the pics!