now that i have a kid in elementary school again, my opportunities to bring in class snacks and treats has increased dramatically. fortunately, hazel’s school still allows homemade items, so when the signupgenius email was sent out for the halloween party, i snagged the sweet treat spot, and got to work on the cutest assortment of halloween/fall cupcakes.
there’s a chance i went overboard. but, it’s what i like to do. right?

i made a candy corn inspired cupcake, a fondant ghost (draped over a dum dum sucker) cupcake, a spider on it’s web cupcake, and then a basic pumpkin cupcake, just in case there’s any non-halloween kiddos in the class.

it was fun to get to do these just for fun. knowing that if it was a fail, no one would ever know, and i could just grab something at walmart on the way. but, they weren’t a fail, and were quite cute if i do say so myself. hazel told me that the ghosts were the biggest hit, which doesn’t surprise me at all. but, the real winners were the kids that took the candy corn cupcakes, because there’s like a solid 1/2 cup of buttercream on each one. 🙂

anyways. that’s the story of the halloween cupcakes for hazel’s third grade class.