after making the ghost town quilt two years ago, and a spooky scrappy economy block quilt last year, i really had no plans to make another halloween quilt this year. then i saw woolly petals ghost party quilt and i quickly abandoned said lack of plans and pulled out my stupidly large halloween fabric stash and got to work. scrappy quilts always make for a full blown quilt room catastrophe and this one was no exception.

i loved organizing (and overthinking) each and every block. and all assembled together they give off some pacman ghost vibes.

for the backing, i picked up a big three yard clearance cut from sewingly yours and paired it with some bigger hunks from my stash and a cheap-ish and fun backing was born. then, i cleared out the cavernous foyer and got to work basting. anna had the honors of documenting from the aerial view.

i quilted it with wonky loops along each row. and then, since i didn’t feel like any of my photos of the entire quilt properly documented all the fussy cuts in each block, i went ahead and took close ups of each block. (minus one so i can keep an even grid).

i love it so much. i was worried about how the low volume ghosts would read on the background. like it would be too busy. but i think it works.

and then obviously. since the book “the little ghost who was a quilt” was hot off the presses and all the quilty influencer types were taking pics of kids wearing quilts like ghosts, i had to enlist hazel to follow suit. she was glad to humor me.

anyways. now i have three halloween quilts. and i promise (fingers crossed behind my back) i won’t make one next year.