my pal victoria likes to throw pretty epic birthday parties for her kiddos. i have helped her with these occasionally, but as her posse of children grows, she has decided to officially “order” her cakes from me, starting with this one.
her littlest guy was turning one, and they affectionately call him their little honeypot, so she was hoping for a honey themed cake. she sent a few inspiration cakes, and i loved one of them, so i basically ran with it and fully copied it.
first up. the baking. stacking. frosting. honeycomb making (candy melts spread over bubble wrap). and some trial and error (and error and error) at making the perfect caramel to resemble honey. and then fingers crossed for the drizzle and drip.

i waited until i arrival to finish the assembly. the last thing i needed was for the honeycombs to flop over into the sticky caramel on the drive. victoria had some leftover gold leaf from a previous birthday, so it was the final touch and sort of reminded me of little bees hanging around. and i could not be happier with the tiny replica smash cake.

i took a million pictures, trying to get good light. i’ll spare you the million and leave you with just a few.

the cake turned out just how i had hoped and it was delicious too. i love when i get to partake in the eating of the cake orders.

This cake looks really delicious! Beautiful workmanship, Sarah!